
SME Digitalisation Matching Grant & Gov Subsidy

Digitalisation is the current buzzword in business. As we all know, digital solutions are the only way to provide you with a holistic view of market insight and to help you deal with market challenges.

As a result, you need to digitalize your business to have a better understanding of your business, consumers, and market trends.

However, are you finding it challenging to digitalize your business due to a limited budget & complicated setup process?

Not to worry, we’ve got your back. Discover the most suitable SME digitalisation grant or government subsidy plan to start your digital transformation journey with us. Contact the best software development company for your software customization solution in Malaysia.

Claim Up To RM5,000

Selangor SME Digitalisation Matching Grant


Enjoy up to 50% of matching grant for DATANORY AI & Business Intelligence Solution

The Selangor State Government is providing a 50% matching grant or a maximum of RM5,000 for state SMEs to subscribe to the chosen digital service providers that include MC Crenergy. This initiative is aims to help Selangor SMEs to digitalise their businesses, in the most cost efficient and easy way.

Registered under

Registered under the relevant laws of Malaysia

Must be

Must be at least 51% owned by Malaysians

Business address

Business address or operation address registered in Selangor only

In operation

In operation for at least 1 year

Required to

Required to have a minimum annual sales turnover of RM300,000 and not exceeding RM3 million

Limited to

Limited to one (1) application per company only. However, SMEs are allowed to apply to up to three (3) digital services with one (1) or more service providers that are endorsed by Sidec

Digitalise Your Business With
Personalized Grant Application Service

Malaysia’s government and many agencies have provided various types of business grants to various industries to support & digitalize their business. However, every grant serves a different purpose and has specific criteria for different sectors. As a digital solution provider, we deliver the best professional and personalised support to help our business clients achieve the company’s success throughout their digital transformation journey. If you wish to apply a grant for your business but not sure where to start? Don’t worry! Our experienced Business Partner will guide you through the entire process. They’ll help you understand the options available and assist you in applying for the right grant that fits your business needs.

business accelerator

(Ted 1 & Ted 2)

Grant of maximum amount up to RM1,000,000 (Ted 1), RM3,000,000 (Ted 2)

Research & Development Projects to produce new processes and products in the field have been identified by the Government.



Grant of maximum amount up to RM 500,000 matching grant

Innovation contributes to increased of productivity, economic growth and well-being of society.

Smart Automation Grant  (SAG) MIDA

Grant of maximum amount up to RM 1,000,000 with 50% matching grant.

For SME and MTC to Automise and Digitalise operations.

National Technology And Innovation Sandbox (NTIS)

Maximum financing amount of RM250,000 (Full Grant) and RM500,000 (70% of Partial Grant)

Advanced Intelligent Systems
Augmented Analytics & Data Recovery
Manufacturing Tech


Software Customization

Unique Customized Solution for Unique Business Goal

Every business has its own culture, procedure, and processes; there is no one-size-fits-all software in the market to fit all unique needs and requirements without compromising on results.

By knowing what clients are facing, their challenges, requirements and expectations, we are able to deliver a tailored-fit, customized solution with a higher success rate, shorter adaptation period, and greater flexibility.

MC Crenergy has the experience and expertise to customize technology that empowers client’s operations. A customized solution that fits client’s needs perfectly, reducing friction and resistance, while promoting greater success in adaptation & business performance.